Even if you can’t find the right visual asset in the library of AnyLogic models and other assets, you’re able to import your own custom designs easily. Yes.AnyLogic software gives users access to a comprehensive suite of digital assets, ensuring that you’re able to model most situations. I expect you guys to continue misinterpreting my post though, and I don’t think anyone in this community will understand the fact that I’m talking about… I said I wasn’t coming back, but the sheer effort to take my post out of context pissed me off. IT IS NOT ABOUT GUARDIAN RAID BOSSES BEING HARD. THIS IS ABOUT STORY BOSSES BEING ANNOYING WITH BARELY ANY LOGIC BEHIND THEIR MOVEMENT SKILLS. Incase I didn’t make myself clear, I’ll repeat myself. Not that I expect you or anyone upvoting you to read my post properly.

I think story bosses should not had absurd movement patterns. If I think Yoho, Igrexion, etc…are fine, then your argument redundant.

I specifically stated this is a STORY boss problem. I need to drive that home, because some people get an ego over things like this. Yorn has some of the most annoying story bosses. To be clear, I’m mostly talking about story bosses. Maybe I was just unlucky with timing as well (even though I always try to use AFTER the boss moves.) If you’ve never played a Bard through story I don’t expect you to understand. I’m not returning to this thread, but this has been on my mind for awhile with multiple bosses. Make it do more damage, make it do more attacks…but reduce the bloody evasion moves. That’s too much and doesn’t add anything to the fight. The problem isn’t that I can’t kill the boss, it’s that the boss jumps every 3-4 seconds. My sorc didn’t either (outside Doomsday…)

No, not all classes have issues with this…DPS with instant abilities will go “i DiDn’T hAvE tRoUbLe WiTh It” but you’re missing the point. I know this feedback forum is a charade and that feedback about (some/most) bosses moving WAY too much will never change the game, but I’m going to post this anyway. Why does every bloody boss need to jump and become immune randomly? Why can’t they just SIT STILL FOR 4 SECONDS? How did I get 3 awakenings? 3 points into engraving + garbage bard DPS. Oh wait, there is logic…me using awakening. There’s no logic to it, they just run away. I just finished Oreha’s Well in the story, and while the fight is obviously easy, all 3 times I used my awakening, Albion literally jumped or flew away.